St Edmunds Road Enabling Works, Edmonton
This project proved challenging in more ways than one. We commenced the work for Allston as sole subcontractor delivering the site clearance and enabling works for the new housing development.
Access was extremely difficult and had to be coordinated through a narrow access road between two properties in a dense residential area which was also shared with Network Rail. All plant, materials and waste had to use this entrance until the permanent access point could be cleared of tons of fly tipped rubbish and dense overgrowth of Japanese Knotweed. A specialist knotweed contractor was used to coordinate the removal. Dense scrub had to be cleared then the fly tipped waste was collected and sorted on site before being removed. During these works Allston went into liquidation leaving Amicus in a difficult situation.
We ensured all our suppliers were paid, we kept our own fencing on site to maintain security and commenced negotiations with the main developer to complete the works direct with them. Works re-started just over a month later.
Allston Construction